February 2, 2010


Last night we did 'Grace', or 30 clean and jerks for time. Prescribed weight is 135, I did scaled 115 in 7:42. Then we did 3 rounds for time of 8 chest-to-bar pullups, 12 pushups, 15 air squats in under 5 minutes. My time was 3:47. Happily, my kipping pullups are back.

After workout Chauncey and I mixed it up with some ground fighting. He definitively whooped my ass, choking me out after, oh I don't know, 457 nanoseconds. Thanks Chauncey for the lesson. I hope you will show me more grappling techniques.

Shotokan practitioners are turtles on their backs. To be well rounded, we need to practice wrestling, grappling, take-downs, reversals, holds, and escapes. Several of shotokan's techniques are applicable on the ground, but need practice.

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