July 11, 2018

Meanwhile, Five Years Later...

With the help of Midori-san, my beautiful wife, I re-connected today with this old blog of mine, formerly called ShotokanCrossFit. I re-named it Kihonkatakumite after the 3Ks of many Japanese martial arts, referring respectively to basics, forms, and fighting; or, fundamentals, applied fundamentals, and testing fundamentals under pressure.

Since book face and instahowyousay have more or less eclipsed blogs and blogging, my interest in blogs and blogging has been renewed. It's the love of the anachronistic in me. I don't much care about audience, other than I wish them good things. I do care very much about exploring the pursuit of improvement in things that I do, namely, KWF Shotokan, Batto-Do sword art, occasional forays into jujitsu, and the education industry.

Until next time, which hopefully will not be in five years.

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