January 20, 2010

Jitte and Snatch

Jitte is an awesome kata from the shotokan movement encyclopedia. The first move performed with a bo could be interpreted as a block or strike at an incoming attack. Performed without a weapon, this same movement conjures up the image of a block and simultaneous attack at the opponent's hand holding a staff. The most challenging movement sequences in this kata are the three stomping kicks and simultaneous double blocks/strikes with arms overhead. The physical challenge is to lift the legs in high, twisting kicks and generate power from the floor by holding back the hips and upper body in a way that generates kinetic power before a last-instant release.

CrossFit's incorporation of Olympic weightlifting like the snatch has improved my ability to do Jitte more effectively, particularly the three most challenging movements. What I've noticed is the increased flexibility in my shoulders as well as a greater ability to anchor them on a stronger core.

Come to think of it, the first move in Jitte could also be seen as moving from a standing to a prayerful posture, with right palm open and upward-directed, as if the body were saying thank you my Lord.

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